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Nick Socialtainment

A member registered Jul 05, 2018

Recent community posts

Do you have enough space on your computer?

In case you haven't noticed. There's an Instruction on how to install the game, it's right on this page. :)

Yeah, I can relate dude.

I can sympathize with what you're feeling, but just know that it's for the sake of Dave's mental health you know. I can see that you've been a good supporter who enjoys playing his games, but do you ever consider caring about his wellbeing? Of course, game developers and other content creators make content to bring joy and thrills to their audience, but the audience should care for their creator's happiness and health. After all, it takes time, money, effort, and creativity to put together something entertaining in hopes of putting a smile on all of us.  Even though it's sad that he canceled it, if it's for the sake of his happiness and mental health, then I held no disappointment towards him.

Impressed that this game became popular!